“For thou art my rock and my fortress; Therefore for thy name’s sake lead me and guide me.”
St. Luke’s is known for its traditional Rite 1 masses. We offer two eucharistic Sunday masses: 8 a.m. without music and 10 a.m. with organ and choir (September - Pentecost). The 10 a.m. mass is usually followed by coffee hour in the Parish House, which allows members to be in communion with one another. A eucharistic healing mass is offered on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. Our masses are live-streamed via Zoom and Facebook Live, and archived on YouTube for later viewing by our parishioners and the public at large.
We do ask those attending in person to sign-in upon entering the church. This sign-in will be used for tracking purposes should the need arise. For those who are feeling ill or have mobility issues, we invite you to participate in all of our masseses remotely either through Zoom or Facebook Live. Masses are also posted to YouTube.
On the first Sunday of the month at the 10 a.m. mass, St. Luke's will use incense which is traditional in the Anglican church. Volunteers are needed for the thurifer duties. Please contact Fr. Dave if you are interested in participating.
Mass Schedule
8 a.m. [In-Person/Zoom/Facebook Live] | 10 a.m. [In-Person/Zoom/Facebook Live]
Sunday masses will also be live-streamed through St. Luke's facebook page, via Zoom, and will later be posted on YouTube.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Susan Bello at stlukeschurchpa@verizon.net or call (215) 968-2781.
Wednesday Morning Prayer
10 a.m. [In-Person and Zoom]
Our Wednesday morning prayer mass will be conducted in hybrid via Zoom and in-person.
To receive the link for the Zoom mass, please contact Susan Bello at stlukeschurchpa@verizon.net. To be added to our e-mailing list to receive the weekly service link, please email Susan Bello at stlukeschurchpa@verizon.net.
Holiday Masses
Christmas Eve
7:30 p.m. | Musical Prelude with Carols (Zoom available)
8 p.m. | Concerted service (Zoom available)
11 p.m. | Midnight Service (Zoom available)
Christmas Day
10 a.m. | Service (No Music)
New Year's Day "Holy Name of Jesus"
10 a.m. | Service
Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ
7 p.m. | Service with music
Ash Wednesday
10 - 11:45 a.m. | Confession (in Church)
12 p.m.| Mass with Imposition of Ashes
5:30 - 6:45 p.m. | Confession (in Church)
7 p.m. | Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes
Holiday Masses
Holy Week Services
7 p.m. (Choir and Eucharist)
Good Friday
10 - 11:45 a.m. | Confession (in Church)
12 p.m. | Stations of the Cross
7 p.m. | Solemn Liturgy
Holy Saturday | The Great Vigil of Easter
9 a.m. | Lituragy of Holy Saturday
7:30 p.m. | Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
8 a.m. | Eucharistic Mass
11 a.m. | Choral Mass with (Music Prelude begins at 10:30 a.m.)
Assumption of the Virgin
7 p.m. | Eucharistic Mass