Journey Through the Old Testament “The Return”

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States +1 more

The 19th class of a year-long Bible Study which takes us through all the major points on the Old Testament. We will also examine the ways in which these stories ... [Read more...]

Annual Meeting

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's Vestry invites the members of the church to it's annual meeting. The meeting will follow the 10 am service and will include a light lunch. For more information, ... [Read more...]

Vestry Meeting

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Meeting for the members of vestry and Fr. David Radzik to discuss administrative matters of the church.


Open Baptism

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's is offering an open baptism to Christians of all ages (infants to adults). Those being baptized do not have to be members of the church. There will be ... [Read more...]

Deanery Meeting

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's will host the March Bucks County Deanery meeting. A potluck dinner will follow the meeting. For more information, contact Fr. David Radzik at or by phone at ... [Read more...]


St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

Fr. David Radzik will be available to hear confessions for those wishing to seek absolution through confession.


St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Fr. David Radzik will be available to hear confessions for those wishing to seek absolution through confession.