
Mass | Sundays | 8 a.m.

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's offers an 8 a.m. Sunday Eucharistic mass in a Rite I service style. Baptized Christians of all ages are invited to partake in the Eucharistic offering (wine and bread). Gluten free wafers are available upon request.


Mass | Sundays | 10 a.m.

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's offers a 10 a.m. Eurcharistic mass with choral accompaniment. This mass is also offered in a hybrid format -- via Zoom and Facebook Live as well as in-person at the church. Each Friday, St. Luke's emails members the Zoom links and the Sunday Bulletin. If you would like to be on this email ... [Read more...]


Open Baptism

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke's is offering an open baptism to Christians of all ages (infants to adults). Those being baptized do not have to be members of the church. There will be a short class on the meaning and purpose of Baptism at 9 a.m. followed by a festive service that includes the Baptism ceremony and Holy ... [Read more...]


St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Fr. David Radzik will be available to hear confessions for those wishing to seek absolution through confession.

Ash Wednesday Mass with Imposition of Ashes

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

A sung eucharistic mass with imposition of ashes. This mass will be offered in person as well as via Zoom.

Rector Installation by Bishop Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

Please join the members of St. Luke's church as Bishop Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez installs Fr. David Radzik as St. Luke’s 30th rector of the church. A light lunch will follow. This special service will also be livestreamed via Zoom. The installation of a rector in the Episcopal Church is a festive service that marks ... [Read more...]

Maudy Thursday Mass

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

A eucharistic mass with choral music.


St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

Fr. David Radzik will be available to hear confessions for those wishing to seek absolution through confession.

Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross are a series of prayer stations that commemorate the final steps of Jesus' life, from his condemnation to death to his resurrection. Join Fr. David Radzik as he leads parishioners through a meditative prayer that invite people to reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus. Stations of the Cross ... [Read more...]