This family service will feature a nativity play, carols, and Holy Communion
St. Luke's Annual Epiphany Procession features the Choir School and Sunday School students. The Adoration of the Magi by Giotto , via Wikimedia CommonsAbout the Epiphany: Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January and is the time when Christians remember the Wise Men (also sometimes called the Three Kings) who visited Jesus. ... [Read more...]
Children are invited to join St. Luke's Sunday School. Due to Covid-19, Sunday School is currently being held via Zoom. To receive the Zoom meeting information, email Susan Bello at Children learn about that Sunday's gospel reading, participate in group activities and games. Sunday School sessions general follow the school calendars, and is held ... [Read more...]
Sunday School is being held via Zoom. To receive the Zoom meeting information, email Susan Bello at For children ages five and older, St. Luke's Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings during the 10 a.m. mass in the Parish House. Children learn about that Sunday's gospel reading, participate in group activities, crafts, and ... [Read more...]
Celebrating the final Sunday School meeting of the year, this Sunday's session will be held in person on the parish green. Kids will participate in outdoor games and activities prior to joining their parents/guardians in the church for communion. Following mass, the Sunday School will be hosting its annual bbq to celebrate the end of ... [Read more...]
This mass will be focused on families with children. The mass will be offered in a hybrid format -- via Zoom as well as in-person at the church. To receive the Zoom link, please email Susan Bello at to be put on the church's email list. Please note: St. Luke’s requires all in-person attendees ... [Read more...]
Unfortunately due to a death in the family of one of the organizers, Game Night has been canceled. We will try to reschedule it for later this winter. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The new Episcopal priest in town, Fr. Dave and his family will be at Noah's Playground in Veterans Park (234 Durham Road, Newtown, PA) on Wednesday, July 24 | 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, August 7 | 3-5 p.m. Families are especially invited to hang out, enjoy an icy treat and our beautiful park together. Bring a ... [Read more...]