Popsicles in the Park

Veterans Park (Newtown) 234 Durham Road, Newtown, United States

The new Episcopal priest in town, Fr. Dave and his family will be at Noah's Playground in Veterans Park (234 Durham Road, Newtown, PA) on Wednesday, August 7 | 3-5 p.m. Families are especially invited to hang out, enjoy an icy treat and our beautiful park together. Bring a friend!

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

Prayer Shawl Ministry at Market Day in Newtown

Centre Ave. in Newtown Boro Centre Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will be at Newtown's Market Day! We will be selling handmaid items as well as offering prayer shawls, baby blankets, lap blankets, hats, scarves and other items for adoption through donation. Saturday, October 5 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Market Day is an annual Newtown tradition in its 48th year that ... [Read more...]

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

Children and their caregivers are invited to drop in and play, connect, and work. Toys, activities, and coffee provided. There is no fee for participation. Parents/Caregiviers are expected to stay with their child while they are participating in the Play Cafe. Wifi is available upon request. For more information, contact Fr. Dave Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com ... [Read more...]

All Saints Eve “Compline”

St. Luke's Church 100 E. Washington Avenue, Newtown, PA, United States

Join us for a celebration of All Saints' Eve with Complin, Night Prayer, or the Prayers at the End of the Day.


Play Cafe

St. Luke's Parish House 100 East Washington Ave., Newtown, PA, United States

St. Luke’s Hosts “Play Cafe” on every Tuesday from 10 AM – 1 PM St. Luke’s has launched a new initiative for children and parents/caregivers called “Play Cafe.” A portion of our Parish House will be open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. as space for children to play together and for parents/caregivers ... [Read more...]