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Vestry Elections

Vestry Elections for the 2025-2028 term will be held on Sunday, April 13 after the 10 a,m, service. St. Luke’s is seeking a least four members of the church to volunteer for service, For those who would like to serve as a vestry member, please email John Schmidt at

St. Luke’s temporal affairs of the parish are directed by its vestry. The vestry consists of twelve laypeople elected to serve a three-year term. Each member is charged with overseeing an important aspect of the church’s business through various committees. These committees include but are not limited to: Property, Finance, Stewardship, Hospitality, Communications, Altar Guild, Vacation Bible School, and ECW. Along with committee duties, the Vestry is an important liaison between the parish and the diocese when searching/hiring a new parish rector.

In order to serve on the vestry, members must have been confirmed or received in the Episcopalian church, are in good standing, and are active members. The vestry meets once a month to discuss and vote on important church business.

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