Join St. Luke’s during Holy Week at the following offered masses.
Sunday, April 13 | Palm Sunday
8 a.m. | 10 a.m. (also via Zoom)
Thursday, April 17 | Maudy Thursday
7 p.m. | Sung Mass (also via Zoom)
Friday, April 18 | Good Friday
12 p.m. | Stations of the Cross
7 p.m. | Solemn Liturgy
Saturday, April 19 | Holy Saturday
9 a.m. | Liturgy of Holy Saturday
7:30 p.m. | Solemn Vigil of Easter (also via Zoom)
Sunday, April 20 | Easter Sunday
8 a.m. | Low Mass
10:30 a.m. | Concert
11 a.m. | Sung Mass