Upcoming Spring Events at St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s has a full schedule of exciting events that we cordially invite you to attend. For more information, please contact Fr. David Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com or by phone at (215) 968-2781.


February 23 | Annual Meeting
11:30 a.m. | St. Luke’s Parish House

March 2 | Open Baptism
St. Luke’s is offering an open baptism to Christians of all ages (infants to adults). Those being baptized do not have to be members of the church. A brief class on baptism as a sacrament will precede the baptism. For more information contact Fr. David Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com or by phone at (215) 968-2781.

March 2 | Deanery Meeting
4 – 6 p.m. | St. Luke’s Parish House
St. Luke’s will host the members of the Bucks County Deanery for it’s March meeting. Potluck dinner to follow.

March 3 | ECW Soup Sale (Proceeds benefit St. Luke’s Music Program)
Soup forms are in the Church’s narthex or are available by email by contacting Susan Bello at stlukeschurchpa@verizon.net. All orders must be in by March 3rd.

March 5 | Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins
Visit St. Luke’s mass schedule for all services.

March 15 | Rector Installation by the Bishop
10 a.m. | St. Luke’s Church
Bishop Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez will install Fr. David Radzik as St. Luke’s 30th rector of the church.

April 13 | Vestry Elections
11:30 a.m. | St. Luke’s Church
Vestry elections will take place immediately following the 10 a.m. mass.

May 4 | Confirmation/Bishop Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez Visitation
For more information contact Fr. David Radzik at stlukesnewtownrector@gmail.com or by phone at (215) 968-2781.